I am a full Professor at the Department of Computer Science, the University of Warwick, where I lead the ML Systems Lab. I am an academic lead of the Cyber Security Global Research Priorities at Warwick, and a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and AI. At the Turing, I am a member of the Turing Research Ethics (TREx) team, and an Independent Scientific Advisor for the BridgeAI programme.

Parallel to my academic roles, I am a Senior Research Scientist in Samsung AI Centre Cambridge, where I am affiliated with the Automated ML team.

Previously I was a postdoctoral researcher with the Cyber-Physical Systems Group in the Department of Computer Science (formerly known as the Computing Laboratory, or Comlab), University of Oxford. I studied Computer Science at Keble College, Oxford.

We have multiple openings for PhD/internship positions for 2024 entry. Scholarships available from various sources at Warwick. Please make contact for further information.


2024/05: New paper on hierarchical generative NAS accepted to ICML 2024.

2024/02: New paper on graph-based sign language processing accepted to CVPR 2024.

2023/10: New work on rotational speed estimation with event camera to appear in IEEE TMC.

2023/09: New EV-Eye dataset available on GitHub.

2023/09: Two papers accepted to NeurIPS 2023.

2023/09: T-CET received Best Paper Award at AutoML Conf 2023.

2023/07: New work on generating neural architectures accepted to AutoML Conf.

2023/05: New work on training-free NAS (T-CET) accepted to AutoML Conf.

2022/12: New paper on fleet management for shared e-mobility systems to appear in IEEE T-ITS.

2022/11: New paper on efficient NAS accepted to AAAI 2023.

2022/09: Our paper on macro NAS benchmarks (BLOX) accepted to NeurIPS 2022.

2022/08: Our teams won both the 1st and 2nd places at the Zero Cost NAS Competition held in conjunction with the AutoML’22 conference.

2022/06: Received the National AI Strategy Fund to support research on Macro Neural Architecture Search.

2022/03: New work on spatial data synthesis: generating synthetic spatial data with local differential privacy.

2021/09: New paper on deployment optimisation for electric vehicle charging infrastructure to appear in IEEE T-ITS.

2021/08: Our work on blind video super-resolution accepted to ICCVW.

2021/07: New work on zero-cost differentiable NAS: 25min search on DARTS CNN space with a single GPU.

2021/06: Paper on vibration-based communication between IoT devices to appear in ACM TOSN.

2021/01: New work on representation learning for event streams to appear in IEEE TPAMI.

2020/08: Our work on NAS for tiny perceptual super-resolution accepted to ECCV.

2020/06: New work on semantic-instance segmentation for point clouds accepted to ICRA.

2020/05: New work on GCN-based spatio-temporal demand prediction for electric vehicle sharing in urban settings to appear in ACM IMWUT.

2020/04: Our work on secured cyber-physical social interactions on wearable devices to appear in ACM TOSN.

2020/02: Our work on fleet rebalancing using deep reinforcement learning accepted to IJCAI.