I am a Professor (Chair in Machine Learning Systems) at the Department of Computer Science, the University of Warwick, where I lead the ML Systems Lab. I am a Fellow of the Alan Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for data science and AI. At the Turing, I am also an Independent Scientific Advisor for the BridgeAI programme, and a member of the Turing Research Ethics (TREx) team.
Previously I was a Senior Research Scientist at Samsung AI Centre Cambridge, where my team worked on Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) for On-device Intelligence. I did my postdoctoral research with the Cyber-Physical Systems Group in the Department of Computer Science (formerly known as the Computing Laboratory, or Comlab), University of Oxford, and studied Computer Science at Keble College, Oxford.
We have multiple openings for PhD/internship positions for 2024 entry. Scholarships available from various sources at Warwick. Please make contact for further information.
2024/07: New paper on trajectory recovery accepted to CIKM 2024.
2024/05: New paper on hierarchical generative NAS accepted to ICML 2024.
2024/02: New paper on graph-based sign language processing accepted to CVPR 2024.
2023/10: New work on rotational speed estimation with event camera to appear in IEEE TMC.
2023/09: New EV-Eye dataset available on GitHub.
2023/09: Two papers accepted to NeurIPS 2023.
2023/09: T-CET received Best Paper Award at AutoML Conf 2023.
2023/07: New work on generating neural architectures accepted to AutoML Conf.
2023/05: New work on training-free NAS (T-CET) accepted to AutoML Conf.
2022/12: New paper on fleet management for shared e-mobility systems to appear in IEEE T-ITS.
2022/11: New paper on efficient NAS accepted to AAAI 2023.
2022/09: Our paper on macro NAS benchmarks (BLOX) accepted to NeurIPS 2022.
2022/08: Our teams won both the 1st and 2nd places at the Zero Cost NAS Competition held in conjunction with the AutoML’22 conference.
2022/06: Received the National AI Strategy Fund to support research on Macro Neural Architecture Search.
2022/03: New work on spatial data synthesis: generating synthetic spatial data with local differential privacy.
2021/09: New paper on deployment optimisation for electric vehicle charging infrastructure to appear in IEEE T-ITS.
2021/08: Our work on blind video super-resolution accepted to ICCVW.
2021/07: New work on zero-cost differentiable NAS: 25min search on DARTS CNN space with a single GPU.
2021/06: Paper on vibration-based communication between IoT devices to appear in ACM TOSN.
2021/01: New work on representation learning for event streams to appear in IEEE TPAMI.
2020/08: Our work on NAS for tiny perceptual super-resolution accepted to ECCV.
2020/06: New work on semantic-instance segmentation for point clouds accepted to ICRA.
2020/05: New work on GCN-based spatio-temporal demand prediction for electric vehicle sharing in urban settings to appear in ACM IMWUT.
2020/04: Our work on secured cyber-physical social interactions on wearable devices to appear in ACM TOSN.
2020/02: Our work on fleet rebalancing using deep reinforcement learning accepted to IJCAI.